Former Clients

Alarm Will Sound & Meet the Composer: Splitting Adams
Francesca Anderegg: debut CD
Antioch Chamber Ensemble: (though love be a day): works by Matthew Brown
Victoria Bond: Soul of a Nation
Margaret Brouwer: Shattered
Tina Chancey: Versatile Viol I and II
Clockwork: Every Voice Counts
Louise Dubin: The Franchomme Project
Eclipse Chamber Orchestra: Gassmann Overtures
Eclipse Chamber Orchestra: Late Victorians - Music by Mark Adamo
Everest Records: Re-release of catalogue
Handel & Haydn Society: Mozart Requiem
Christopher Houlihan Plays Bach
Hugo Wolf Quartett: Franz Schubert String Quartets
Kepler Quartet: String Quartets by Ben Johnston
Friedrich Kleinhapl: Beethoven Cello Sonatas
David Leisner: Favorites
Jenny Lin: 24 Preludes and Fugues by Shostakovich
Xavier Montsalvatge: Canciones y Conciertos
Musica Intima: into light
Newman & Oltman Guitar Duo: Music from Raritan River
Quiet City: newly discovered Copland manuscript
Sarah Plum: Bela Bartok: Works for Violin and Piano
Sarah Plum: Music for a New Century
Marianna Prjevalskaya: Marianna Prjevalskaya plays Rachmaninoff
James Pugh: X-Over Trombone
Quartet San Francisco: QSF Plays Brubeck
Quartet San Francisco: Five by Four
Orli Shaham: American Grace
Orli Shaham: Brahms Inspired
Haskell Small: Musica Callada
Haskell Small: The Rothko Room: Journeys in Silence
Haskell Small: Book of Hours
TransAtlantic Ensemble: Crossing America
Jason Vieaux: Piazzolla
Starkland Recordings
Zodiac Trio: Dreamtime
Austrian Cultural Forum NY
Baruch Performing Arts Center
Bohemian National Hall at Czech Center
Canandaigua LakeMusic Festival
Cutting Edge Concerts New Music Festival
Defiant Requiem Foundation
Gil Morgenstern: Reflections series
Grand Canyon Music Festival
Momenta Festival
Polish Early Music Festival
Mrs. President, the opera
Ardea Arts/Grethe Holby
Baby Got Bach: Interactive concerts for children age 3-6
Chelsea Opera
Cheah-Chen Duo
Cracow Duo: Carnegie Hall recital debut
Danish Piano Trio: Carnegie Hall recital debut
Paul Dresher at Roulette
Eric Edberg: Spectrum NYC concert
Pianist Yongmei Hu’s Lincoln Center debut
House of Time period music ensemble
Israeli Chamber Project’s Carnegie Hall debut
Jazz Nativity: New York performances
Ralph Kaminsky Memorial Concert at Merkin
Pianist Jose Menor's Carnegie Hall recital debut
New Music from Hong Kong
Opera Moderne: Turn of the Screw
Opera Moderne: Der Kaiser Von Atlantis
Orchestra Jakobsplatz US debut
Pocket Opera Players: Operas by John Eaton and Michael Dellaria
Ensembles Talea and Linea at Lincoln Center
Joan Tower: Birthday Concert
Vox Clamantis in New York
Admiral Launch Duo
Michael Adcock, pianist
Victoria Bond, composer
Margaret Brouwer, composer
Vasco Dantas, pianist
Geoffrey Gordon, composer
Kelly Hall-Tompkins, violinist
Truman Harris, composer
Christopher Houlihan, organist
James Matheson, composer
Kamyar Mohajer, composer
Momenta Quartet
François-Xavier Poizat, pianist
Orli Shaham, pianist
Dan Siegler, composer
Haskell Small, pianist and composer
Hopkinson Smith: Baroque Guitar and Lute
Baby Bytes - Multi CD series
Emanuel Ax and Yefim Bronfman: Brahms: Music for Two Pianos (SONY)
Mikael Simonyan: Prokofiev (DELOS)
Joan Tower: Made in America (NAXOS) (triple-Grammy winner)
Jason Vieaux: Piazzolla (AZICA)
Bio: Helene Jeanney
Bio: Robin Schulkowsky
Bio: Ori Shihor
Program notes: Windham Chamber Music Festival
Feature article: Cultural Tourism / Syracuse University
Season press release: Lincoln Center
Radio production and script writing: America's Music Festival: national radio series Radio production and script writing: WFMT: International Double Reed Society
Book: Colin Eatock: Glenn Gould: 20 Interviews
Book: R. Larry Todd: Fanny Hensel: The Other Mendelssohn
Kim Kashkashian: Armenian Music Project